H.O.M.E.S. Campaign

The push for housing as a human right.

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Other Campaigns

Safe Communities Campaign

The Safe Communities campaign is a coalition of groups working to protect our immigrant communities and together promote policies that foster trust and clarity. This campaign aims to pass policies around "Safe Communities" (i.e. policies that keep state and local agencies removed from immigration enforcement) school districts, cities, counties, and the State of Delaware.

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Campaign to End Debtors' Prison

The Campaign to End Debtors Prisons seeks to eliminate poverty as an element of criminal punishment. We’re a coalition of community members pushing for reform of the court fines & fees system. Our goals are twofold: 1) Eliminate fees in the justice system. 2) Ensure that fines are fairly imposed and enforced.

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Delaware Cares Coalition

Delaware Cares is a coalition of labor, faith, health, and community advocates and organizations committed to ensuring every Delawarean has access to paid family and medical leave.

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