Membership and Donations

Support Network Delaware

Network Delaware is supported by grassroots donors like you!

The majority of donations come from people who give what they can to help support our mission to "activate change agents" so we deeply appreciate any support. Your donation is entirely tax-deductible.

Why Your Membership Matters

We're working to get people involved to build "people power" across the state of Delaware. We want our primary source of support to come from supporters, rathing than having to rely on just a few individuals/foundations for funding. This helps us remain an independent force for justice.

Become a Member

Network Delaware’s membership is $20 a month or $5-10 sliding scale (full scholarships available here). As a member of the Network you're contributing to building the power of regular people getting involved in the civic process. You're joining a grassroots and people-powered organization of community members, leaders, organizers, and activists who are joining together to bring real, sustainable change to our state.

  • Collaborate with other passionate community members.
  • Learn how to develop your own skills to create change.
  • Develop the leadership capacity of others to make an impact across our state.
  • Receive your Network Delaware membership guide, sticker, bookmark, etc.!


Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
A: Yes! 

Q: Can I signup for a Network Delaware membership?
A: Yes! Memberships are $20 a month (or $5-$10 sliding scale).