Member Advocate

Member Advocate Initiative

If you or anyone you know ever has a concern, wants support, or feels any form of harassment or discrimination, we want ALL members to have someone to confidentially talk to so they get the support they need and action can be taken.

Please reach out to either Tyeisha (Tye) Grier or Drew Serres who will act as Member Advocate with you or find the right person for you.

To reach Tyeisha Grier email her at

To reach Drew Serres email him at

Even if you just have questions or aren’t sure how to proceed, we encourage you to reach out so we can talk through it together.

If you wish to remain anonyous please feel free to write a note to us here.

Making change is tough, and we all deserve to have supportive communities of people we can work with as we aim to improve the lives of those around us.

Tyeisha and Drew